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May 17, 2023

Coalition of Georgia Civil and Voting Rights Advocates Issue Joint Letter Opposing Nomination of Lee Morris for Fulton County BOE Chair

ATLANTA  A coalition of Georgia civil and voting rights advocates today issued the following joint letter to the Fulton County Board of Commissioners:Dear Fulton County Board of Commissioners,As civil and voting rights advocates committed to protecting voter access in Georgia, we write to express our deep concerns with the nomination of Lee Morris for Fulton Registration and Elections Board ( BOE) Chair.

The selection of a new BOE Chair in Fulton County, GA, is of critical importance and should not be rushed. We are troubled with the alacrity and manner in which his nomination and possible appointment have been advanced. Advocates and the public must be afforded the opportunity to have their voices heard on a decision that deeply affects Fulton County voters, and bears lasting ramifications for the 2024 election and voting access in Georgia for years to come. By rushing to make this selection, the Board of Commissioners is doing a disservice to those they purport to represent and leaving out essential community input.Lee Morris' past behavior shows him not to be the representative or advocate that Fulton voters need or deserve.

In April 2021, Morris then a Fulton County Commissione voted against a pro-voter resolution that would have helped allow legal challenges to the extreme voter suppression law SB 202, despite the harmful impacts SB 202 would have on Fulton voters. Fulton voters deserve to be seen, deserve to be championed, and deserve to cast their votes without undue burden and fears of suppression. The chair of the Fulton Board of Elections should be a champion for voter access.

Further, any changes to the current makeup of the Fulton Board of Elections must undergo careful consideration and discussion  not a hasty nomination process with little room for public input or feedback. We know too well the critical importance of ensuring that our governing bodies and elected officials truly reflect the communities they represent. Fulton voters have long fought to secure fair and equitable representation.It is imperative that the Fulton Commission appoints a new BOE Chair that understands the critical importance of ensuring that all eligible Fulton County voters can execute their freedom to vote by being able to register to vote, cast their votes, and have their votes counted. The new Chair must have the historical and institutional knowledge necessary for adhering to best practices for election administration in Georgia which will be critical for ensuring smooth municipal elections in 2023 and minimizing disruptions in 2024.Fulton County voters deserve representation that champions them and reflects them.  

We ask that you vote no on Lee Morris for BOE Chair.  All eyes will be on Georgia  and on Fulton County in 2024.Signed,Fair FightNew Georgia Project Action FundCare in ActionCASAAll Voting is Local ActionBlack Alliance for Just ImmigrationGALEO Impact FundFaith in Public Life Action FundBlack Voters Matter FundBlack Male Initiative FundCAIR Georgia
