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June 7, 2023

Fair Fight Applauds Fulton Board of Commissioners for Rejecting GOP Nomination of Mass Voter Challenger to Elections Board

Frazier has challenged nearly 10,000 Fulton County voters and repeatedly has acted to undermine trust in elections in Georgia.

ATLANTA Fair Fight today released a statement commending members of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners for standing up on behalf of Fulton voters and democracy. Following a unanimous, bipartisan vote to confirm Republican Mike Heekin to the Fulton County Board of Elections (BOE), the subsequent 3-2 vote to reject the nomination of far-right conspiracy theorist and mass voter challenger Jason Frazier signals that the Fulton Board of Commissioners are committed to defending the integrity of Fulton elections in the face of the GOP's escalating attacks on democracy at the local, state, and national level.  

Since 2020, Georgia Republicans have launched a full-scale assault on voting access. Empowered by extreme anti-voter bill SB 202, their efforts to subvert democracy and seize power continue to escalate on an unprecedented scale, and have led to:

Placing 13 election deniers onto local election boards; Weaponizing partisan state-level legislation to restructure 11 county BOEs; Removing five Black BOE members from their positions;  Nominating conspiracy-fueled mass voter challengers in critical election roles across the state of Georgia.Frazier has personally challenged the eligibility of over 10,000 voters in Fulton County, as a part of a wider movement of mass challenges by election deniers to purge the voter rolls and make it harder to vote in Georgia. While the overwhelming majority of challenges have been dismissed due to faulty evidence, thousands of Georgians have had to show up personally to defend their right to vote, as reported by the AJC earlier this year.  Frazier's nomination is a part of a larger, nationally-coordinated effort to diminish the integrity of  elections in Georgia and across the country from the reported 94 local officials who have shown anti-democratic tendencies nationwide, to recent moves by Republican legislators to purge Black Democrats from election boards across Georgia.  

Fair Fight Executive Director Cianti Stewart-Reid released the following statement:  Fair Fight stands with our fellow voting rights advocates in applauding the Fulton County Board of Commissioners for standing up to Georgia Republicans' latest attempt to undermine elections in the state's most populous county. We commend the three commissioners for rejecting the GOP's dangerous nomination of mass challenger Jason Frazier to the Fulton BOE.  Frazier is a part of an anti-democratic and deeply alarming concerted effort to delegitimize our elections and disenfranchise Georgia voters. The decision by Fulton Republicans to nominate Frazier to oversee elections in one of Georgia's most diverse counties speaks volumes, and makes clear where their priorities lie.  

The actions today of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners underscores their commitment to protecting democracy in the face of Republican attempts to dismantle it. The outcome of today's vote sends a clear message: There is no space for mass challengers on our Boards of Elections.
