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June 22, 2023

ICYMI: Fair Fight Touts Big Wins for Democracy in Georgia Following State Election Board, Fulton Board of Commissioners Meetings

ATLANTA As Georgia continues to remain in the national spotlight amid ongoing threats to voting access, election workers, and democracy, recent developments at both the state and county level this week have marked significant victories for voters.Below are highlights from both the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) Meeting, which took place June 20-21, and the Fulton County Board of Commissioners Meeting on June 21:Georgia State Election Board (June 20-21)

In a major victory for Fulton voters, the SEB unanimously decided against moving forward with a state takeover of elections in Fulton County.

The 2021 anti-voter omnibus bill SB 202 opened the door for the partisan SEB to take over bi-partisan local Boards of Elections (BOEs) This decision by the SEB follows months of tireless work and investment by the Fulton BOE and outgoing Chair Cathy Woodlard to recruit poll workers, provide accessible training, and ensure election workers are given the necessary support and resources to carry out their jobs.

The potential takeover of the Fulton BOE has loomed for months, highlighting the dangers of possible state intervention and the alternative need for more robust investment and support at the county level in the midst of increasing unfunded State mandates.

The SEB announced that no evidence has been found of conspiracy or fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.

These findings are in line with multiple independent investigations immediately following the 2020 Election that conclusively determined there was no evidence of fraud or malfeasance.

In light of the SEB's findings, all unsubstantiated claims against poll workers were officially dismissed, following months of harassment and threats directed at election workers.Fulton County Board of Commissioners (June 21)

Yesterday, the Democratic members of Fulton County Board of Commissioners, led by Chairman Pitts, voted again to reject the nomination of anti-voter Republican conspiracy theorist and mass challenger Jason Frazier to the Fulton County Board of Elections. Frazier has personally challenged the eligibility of more than 10,000 Georgia voters, including Fulton County BOE Member Dr. Kathleen Ruth. This was the second time the Fulton County Republican Party nominated Frazier to serve on the Fulton BOE this month, after his first nomination was rejected in a 3-2 vote.

While the BOC rejected Frazier's nomination, the Democratic members did vote in favor of appointing another Republican nominee to the Fulton BOE , highlighting their commitment to exercising reasonable discretion in accepting fair, bi-partisan nominations.

During the meeting, Commissioner Arrington also argued against right-wing mobilizers' threat to file a lawsuit against the BOC by explaining during a BOC meeting that they will have no basis to win.###