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September 10, 2024

MAGA Extremists in Congress Push False Election Conspiracies: Fair Fight Responds

Atlanta — Today, the U.S. House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government, led by MAGA extremists like Rep. Chip Roy, held a hearing to elevate Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud and debunked myths of widespread non-citizen voting. The hearing elevated key Trump allies like Cleta Mitchell, an election denier who supportedTrump’s failed attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Fair Fight CEO Lauren Groh-Wargo responded with the following statement:

“Since 2016, Trump has pushed false claims of election fraud – even using White House resources to investigate said widespread fraud and found none. After Trump lost in 2020, his false conspiracy theories have taken hold of the Republican Party, as deceitful politicians continue to peddle his lies to mislead Americans in a cynical attempt to help themselves politically.

“Here in Georgia, we’re seeing this firsthand – our election laws were overhauled after Trump lost, with influence and input from election deniers. Governor Brian Kemp signed the ‘omnibus voter suppression package,’ SB 202, into law, saying he was ‘frustrated’ that Democrats won in 2020 and ‘did something about it’ with SB 202.

“Despite the fact that it's 'vanishingly rare' that non-citizens vote in federal elections, Republican politicians have embraced these lies to churn up doubt and cause chaos around our elections.

“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has amplified this false narrative, going as far as conducting multiple audits into so called 'non-citizen voting', including a 2022 audit that found zero instances of non-citizens casting ballots and, despite these results, Raffensperger announced an additional 2024 audit. Further doubling down on this disproven myth, Raffensperger has supported numerous bills calling for a constitutional amendment to ‘clarify’ the prohibition the Georgia Constitution already has in place on noncitizen voting.

“Now, Congress is shamefully elevating election deniers who supported Trump’s failed attempts to overturn the 2020 election – some of the very same folks who are involved in a vast conspiracy with the State Election Board to change Georgia election rules and seek to give Trump the power to veto our votes.

“Fair Fight will continue to call out and fight tooth and nail against these despicable attempts to mislead the American people, block ballot access, and install Trump in the White House.”

MAGA Election Sabotage Conspiracy: Emails reveal that Cleta Mitchell’s Election Integrity Network has also been working with pro-Trump Georgia State Election Board members to change election rules in ways that could help Trump and his allies obstruct certification of the 20204 election results, and sow chaos and challenge the election outcome in November.

A recent Rolling Stone report revealed months of email coordination between Georgia State Election Board member Dr. Janice Johnston, local Georgia election officials who support Trump’s Big Lie, and election deniers. The email correspondence reveals a secret effort to rewrite Georgia election certification rules. The emails build on other reports that show direct coordination between Election Board members and Georgia Republican Party leaders, Republican National Committee operatives, and Trump-connected election deniers, even some that supported his failed attempts to steal the 2020 election.
